This year has started out strong for Team 2823! We competed at Prior Lake’s Minne Mini, a regional competition to show our newbies the ropes, and what a real FIRST event looks like. It was our introduction to double-elimination matches, and we had a blast. Although we didn’t win, it was still an awesome experience and a day full of fun!

Our team volunteered at Chocoholic Frolic, a race with a 10k, 5k, and a KidsK. We helped set up, sign the runners in and give them their numbers, passed out water and medals, handed out snacks, cleaned up, and got some cool t-shirts too. The day was filled with lots and lots of chocolate, and we made some money to support the team!

CADurday (CAD day on Saturdays) aka the best day of the week, where we learn how to use CAD software. We always have donuts to keep the spirits high (plus get people lured in), and there is lots of frustration fun and learning too! If you don’t know, CAD stands for computer-aided design, and it can be used to create 2-dimensional sketches or 3-dimensional models. So of course, in order to have the awesome benefits of having models to demonstrate and improve our work, we need to learn how the heck to use the software, and it has a pretty big learning curve. Thanks to our amazing mentors it is very fun, and the learning makes it all worth it.

And finally, huge thanks to everyone that donated on Give to the Max day! Your donations go straight to the team and help keep the Automatons running. They get us the parts, snacks, and pay the fees we need to compete. Your support is truly appreciated. Thank you!